Day 15 Details

January 15, 2022 was Couch to 5K Week 2 Day 3. My husband and I also hiked to the top of Diamond Head in Honolulu, HI. Today was also my first cheat day. I still had One meal but it was not a Keto meal.

Food Workout Liquids Super Herbs and Supplements Notes
One Meal a Day (OMAD) - Cheat Day Couch to 5K (C25K) Week 2 Day 3 32oz to 64oz of water Super Herbs

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Day # Date Weight Face Front Left Right Back Scale
Day 15
1/15/2022 256.8 face front of body left side of body right side of body back of body scale


My personal journey of losing over 100 Pounds and keeping the weight off and maintaining healthier lifestyle.