Day 44 Details

Today I did Couch to 5K Week 6 Day 3. I am a day behind with C25K and will try to catch up during week 7.

I consumed around 1902 calories today for my One Meal a Day (OMAD) - not including the servings of Pine Pollen. Today is Superbowl Sunday. I had tacos, chicken wingettes, and fries, and ice cream. I did not go over my allotted calories, but it was not a clean day of eating.

Food Total Calories
Butter (Coffee) - 100 Cals Fries, Tacos, Wingette, Ice Cream - 1902 Cals 2002
Workout Liquids Super Herbs and Supplements
Couch to 5K Week 6 Day 3 32oz to 64oz of water, coffee, and coconut water kefir Super Herbs

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Day # Date Weight Face Front Left Right Back Scale
Day 44
2/13/2022 253.8 face front of body left side of body right side of body back of body scale


My personal journey of losing over 100 Pounds and keeping the weight off and maintaining healthier lifestyle.